Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ship's log February 2009

January saw the 100th post of Healing Philosophy. As time passes I feel I am finding my voice. Certainly my posts are always spontaneous affairs. I think of a topic and perhaps gather some quotes together and then let my mind, my subconscious, mull it over for a day or two. Then when I sit down to write the post, it usually flows very easily onto the page with very few changes. Also as time goes by I feel the interconnection of all these threads of thought, which I have found very rewarding.
I would like to thank my 8 or 9 faithful regular readers for their support. OK I’m exaggerating. My 5 or 6 regular readers. Why not take this unprecedented opportunity to immortalize yourselves by becoming the first inaugural shipmates in the ‘Followers’ gadget just below. You may not get a second chance because…I have a surprise in the works. It is still in the concept and creative phase but I hope to unleash it on an unsuspecting world soon, possibly in March. Then no doubt Healing Philosophy will become a household name. Hold fast.

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Discover The Tale of Genji, the 11th Century classic of Japan (click image)

Discover The Tale of Genji, the 11th Century classic of Japan (click image)
Kiyomizudera Temple has a large veranda looking out over Kyoto and beyond